In the sleepy town of Crescent Hill, the mysterious woods harbor secrets darker than mere ghost stories. When Angela Blake vanishes without a trace, leaving only whispers and an empty swing of the diner door, the town is left haunted by her absence. Fifteen years later, an unaged Angela mysteriously reappears, stepping out of the same forest-green Mercedes seen on the day she disappeared. The town's tranquility shatters, as Detective Hermann is plunged into an eerie investigation that questions the very fabric of reality.

With townsfolk whispers turning into a violent crescendo, Hermann must navigate through a fog of fear and superstition. As Angela's return brings more questions than answers, Crescent Hill's darkest fears are realized, and what follows is a terrifying unraveling of truth that will leave no life untouched. "Missing Person: Angela Blake (Found)" is a chilling tale of loss, mystery, and the haunting return that might just tear Crescent Hill apart.

In "The Final Shape," a mysterious sphere appears in a small town, signaling a global crisis with cryptic messages from beyond. Professor Greene, aiming beyond his humble teaching role, leads a quirky group of townspeople into the heart of this enigma. As they grapple with theories that challenge their understanding of reality, they find themselves the unlikely defenders against a potential global annihilation. Attached are the first 3 parts of the short story, with more to follow.

Daegan, a grocery store clerk, finds himself amidst an inexplicable devastation with nothing but the eerie sky and his survival instincts. The novel unfolds as Daegan embarks on a perilous 40-day journey to "the divide," a fabled point that promises a new beginning beyond the known world. Equipped with just the essentials, his trek is haunted by the spectral beauty of the sky and the haunting promise of something beyond. As the group dwindles, the story dives deep into the human spirit's capacity to endure in the face of profound loss and the haunting lure of a promised salvation.